For sure, you have unleashed that Anastacia Steele image of yours in bed once upon time and let your Christian Grey do his thing, just like in the book, Shades of Grey. So, here is a question for you: what is the kinkiest and naughtiest thing you’ve done so far, sex-wise? Role play? Bondage? Cuffs? Playing the dominant one?

Whatever it is, one thing is for sure: you enjoyed it – or not, depending on how you and your man handled it.
Defining “normal,” when it comes to matters between the sheets can be difficult. After all, what is normal for you may not be for others, right? However, a thin line separates the acceptable normal in bed from unconventional deeds involving sex.
So, if you really want to up your game and bring something different, exciting and pleasurable in the table, then check out 10 kinky sex ideas you can do in the bed.
1. Start With The Underwear
Before you start with your kinky sex night, you have to make sure you got the essentials. When it comes to essentials, your knickers should be on top of the list, even if your man will remove them later on.
Lacy underwear or a thong will do. Since this article is about unconventional deeds, it’s time to ditch the basics.
When it comes to underwear, the crotch-less knickers tops the list of sex must-haves. It is fun, it’s hot and it definitely makes your life easier when the occasion calls for it. Make sure to choose that has a tight elastic framing since it puts pressure on the outer lips of your vagina. At the same time, it makes the area more sensitive.
Hmm, tempting, right?
2. The Tying Game
Being the dominant one can be a turn on for both girls and dudes. It allows you to be in control of the situation – something that is not common on women.

However, you need to play the submissive role once in a while, too. What is the best and gentle way to do this? Getting tied up, of course.
Surprisingly, many women find the submissive role as sexy and a major turn on. All you need is belt, a scarf, some tape and let your man take over. This is a baby step towards bondage, so make sure it is consensual. Don’t forget the safe word, since you are going to need it in case you feel your man is getting carried away.
Anastacia Steele, the virgin liked it. You’re going to like it too, especially when done the right way.
3. Crop Or Cane?
Now that you’ve played as the submissive, it’s time to move on to the next role – the Dominant. Being the dominant is not just about giving orders or being in control.
You will need props to make the role more realistic and believable. In this case, a crop or cane will do.
For reasons unknown to man, the sound of a crop or cane just adds up to the kink factor. Aside from the sound, the leather and potential can boost your man’s carnal energy.
Make sure to blindfold your man before you start the dominant you take over. Taking away one of the human senses, in this case, the eyes, can heighten one’s sexual excitement since the remaining four senses will be at work.
Just like the tying game, make sure that your man is okay with the crop or cane. Otherwise, you have to move on to the other kinky deeds.
4. Go For The Backdoor
Is there anything more unconventional than heading for the backdoor? Apparently, employing the services of your butt is not common in most couples who do the deed.
On the other hand, if you want your sex life to go one notch higher, then you’re going to need your behind.
However, anal plays are not as simple as it sounds. First of all, your butt is not as “flexible” like your vagina, which means you’re going to need tons of lube or petroleum jelly to assist you on this journey. Second, the anal action you see in porn doesn’t exactly happen in real life. Intense preparation is needed, with emphasis on the word “intense.”
For starters, a butt plug can make things easier for you. It can give you an incredible sensation and at the same time, a definite turn on for the guys. Use butt plugs during doggy style and you’ll be surprised with the amount of pleasure it can give you.
5. Heavy Dildos

So you got a dildo. That’s okay. At least you have a best friend when the occasion calls for it and your best man is not around. And whenever he’s there, it can be a good companion too, don’t you think?
However, your dildo should not just be any kind of dildo. It should be strong, sturdy, durable and most importantly, long lasting. It is one of the indispensable “toys” you will ever own.
Therefore, go for heavy, weighty types. Dildos in steel and glass types work better in increasing the sensation down there. At the same time, it is a great tool in helping find your G-spot once you press it far up into your vagina.
The rubber and plastic ones are great. But if you really want dildos to play a role, you have to go with the heavy ones.
6. Ready, Set, Action
Have you seen Sex Tape? It’s about a couple, played by Cameron Diaz and Jason Segal, who decided to “spice up” their sex life by making their own X-rated movie.

Unfortunately, it was accidentally uploaded online and, well, let your imagination run wild as to what happened next since the plot is pretty simple.
Thanks to Paris, Kim and whoever Hollywood stars who make their own porn, filming yourself while doing the act is no longer a taboo. As crazy as it may sound, the act of recording the actual sex makes sex even more exciting – and hotter. So, if you want to do something different, then go ahead and tape it. Just make sure that your homemade video is for your eyes only.
7. Talk The Dirty Talk
Don’t you ever wonder how porn stars do the dirty talk so easy and so naturally? Since it sounds so good, you told yourself you‘d do this, too, in your next session with your man.
Apparently, most women don’t feel comfortable saying the F word or talking dirty in bed.
Well, for starters, dirty talk is not rocket science, so you can do this for sure. Second, men get turned on when they hear what you want in bed. Of course, you don’t have to be a porn star to be able to do this in an erotic manner as possible.
Saying things such as “I love how you feel inside me,” or “Keep biting my nipples,” or “You’re so good down there” can already turn him on. Plus, he knows that he is doing the right thing in giving you pleasure.
If you still can’t figure out how to do the dirty talk, then move on the next tip.
8. Say Hello To Erotic Books And Movies
In short, watch or read porn. Aside from getting you in the mood, erotic books and movies can provide valuable information about how to do this and that properly. At the same time, it gives you an idea of what turns on a man, while letting you explore your sexuality and sensuality, as well.
Start by doing this on your own. Read erotic books by yourself, then practice those seductive voices. Later on, include your man in the drill. Read erotic stories together while trying to get into character.
If books don’t excite him that much, then turn to porn. While watching, try your best not to touch each other or give in to the temptation.
This can surely add up in the excitement.
9. Masturbate In Front Of Him

Oftentimes, masturbating is me-time act, when the lights are off and the door is locked. For a change, consider touching yourself in front of your man.
Giving yourself pleasure is such an intimate act and allowing your man to see this will surely turn him on and keep him aroused all throughout.
Aside from getting him excited, masturbating is a sensual way of showing him that this is how you want to do it and these strokes really get you going. Just make sure you do this alone and let him join you in the main event only.
10. Sex Outside The Bedroom
It is common for most couples to do the deed inside the bedroom. It’s the most convenient and feasible area in the house, plus you are assured of privacy – unless you left the door unlocked.
However, sex should not be limited in the four corners of your bedroom. To spice things up, do the deed outside.
Set up a tent in your backyard, get the sleeping bags ready and that’s it. Using your backyard for this type of “recreational activities” and the thrill of getting caught will surely make you feel naughty.
Being kinky and naughty in bed is a learning process. Try to do these tricks one step at a time, and your sex life will surely be exciting in no time.