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7 Physiological Reasons Your Low Libido May Not Be Psychological

9 years ago 5 minute read

There will be times when you just don’t feel like having sex. No matter what you do, there is no way of forcing yourself into doing it. Your libido has taken a nosedive. Before jumping to conclusions and feeling worried that you may not be attracted to your partner anymore, know that there are several factors that influence libido.

It’s not just about your feelings. Here are seven physical reasons for low libido:

1. Physical Illness

Some physical health conditions may affect your sexual function. Many women suffering from the following illnesses report a significant decrease in their libido:

  • DiabetesDiabetes Type2.Women with diabetes may experience vaginal dryness due to limited blood flow. They are prone to genital infections and inflammation,which can make sex painful. It also damages the peripheral nerves that can make you numb down there. Unsatisfactory sex due to pain may make them less excited about having sex. The use of vibrators may provide additional stimulation to several users.
  • Heart problems. Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease may result in limited blood flow. This results in a lack of lubrication, less sensations during sex and low sex drive.
  • Blood pressureHigh blood pressure. High blood pressure can result in blood vessel damage and decreased blood flow.
  • Neurological disorders. Any illness that affects the nervous system, the brain, nerves and spinal cord can affect sexual function. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, meningitis and injury to the brain and spinal cord are among the major types of neurological disorders.

To prevent this health conditions from ruining your sex life, you should maintain an optimal overall health.

2. Medications

Medical conditions require treatment in the form of medications. Sadly, some prescription medications can dampen your sex drive, arousal, and desire.

Antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-seizures particularly benzodiazepines, H2 blockers and diuretics and beta-blockers for high blood pressure are on the list of libido killer medications.

If you are taking one of these medicines, do not stop taking it just because you want to improve your sex life. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. He or she may be able to recommend alternative medicines, or reduce your dosage.

3. Lifestyle Habits

AlcoholIf alcohol is your go-to after a hard day,which seems like every day, do not be surprised if your sex life takes a plummet. Excessive intake of alcohol regularly can decrease blood flow,which may make it hard for you to be sexually aroused.

Red wine is your best choice for alcohol due to its numerous health benefits. But, you should still stick with the recommended amount of intake,which is one serving per day for women. A healthy lifestyle change plus a product like HerSolution female libido-booster supplements may help you get your sex life back on track.

HerSolution is an oral supplement made from natural ingredients, that when taken daily, will improve your libido in 60 days. It doesn’t offer instant results because it’s not magic. Like many female libido boosters, t’s science, and based on herbs and other natural substances.

4. Fatigue

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Lack of sleep, too much work, looking after the kids and taking care of your family’s needs will leave you physically exhausted.

It’s hard for you to fantasize about sex and to act it out, if all your body wants is nothing but rest and sleep.

It’s understandable that you are energy-depleted by fulfilling your important duties and responsibilities.

If you don’t want to reject your partner constantly, learn to balance your priorities. If you can afford to hire a babysitter once a week or every two weeks, then find one and go out on a date with you partner. Sex is part of nurturing your relationship, so you must not take it for granted.

5. Stress

Photo by Christopher Meredith / CC BY

Long working hours, demanding jobs and family can stress you out and make your sex life suffer. Stress affects the libido in many ways. You tend to overeat when you’re stressed, and this could lead to weight gain.

Poor body image makes you less confident in bed. Stress makes you resort to substance abuse, such as the excessive intake of alcohol. Too much alcohol will decrease blood flow, which can lessen sensations and cause vaginal dryness.

Most importantly, stress triggers the release of the hormone, cortisol. Your body needs cortisol, but only in little amounts. Your body will produce high levels of cortisol when stressed. If this happens constantly, cortisol can suppress your sex hormones, and eventually will lead to libido loss.

6. Hormone Changes

EstrogenIf you cannot explain your sudden loss of interest in sex, then may be you should blame your hormones.

Estrogen, the hormone hugely responsible for maintaining libido and sexual functions,along with testosterone is normally produced by the body.

Estrogen levels may decrease due to aging or health conditions that affect its production.

TestosteroneAge-related estrogen decline is called menopause. Its physical symptoms include vaginal dryness, fatigue, night sweats, hot flashes and loss of libido, which may keep you from enjoying a healthy sex life. You just have to look at the bright side of menopause. No menstrual period means no chance of getting pregnant, so make the most out of this new-found freedom. Seeking professional help can also educate you about possible treatments.

Hormone changes can also occur during menstruation, during and after pregnancy, and when a woman is breastfeeding. Fluctuating hormones during the menstrual cycle may leave you irritable, highly emotional and definitely not in the mood for sex.

7. Dyspareunia

Photo by Steven Depolo / CC BY

Dyspareunia is the medical term for painful intercourse. It could be pain during penetration and thrusting, deep-seated pain, burning pain or a throbbing pain in your genital and pelvic area.

The cause of dyspareunia may depend on where the pain occurs. It could be due to a lack of lubrication, injury or trauma from accidents or surgery, infections, inflammation or a congenital abnormality.

Pain during sex may keep you from enjoying the experience until the thought of sex becomes undesirable. If the pain recurs and is starting to cause distress, seek medical help.

A lot of women suffer from loss of libido due to many reasons. Before feeling guilty about it, ask your doctor to help you rule out these seven physical causes first.