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Female Enhancement Herbs: Mother Nature’s Top 10

11 years ago 3 minute read

Life can be stressful for both men and women. Yet, it is usually women who are most affected as they have to juggle a career, home, and family. Constant worry may trigger a hormonal imbalance that can reduce your sex drive use of female enhancement herbs .

Your hormones can also be affected if you are going through a stressful period in your life. It is important to note that hormonal imbalances are the main cause of a low sex drive. Other factors such as medicines, menopause, grief, birth control pills and fatigue also play a part.

What You Can Do To Increase Your Sex Drive? Use of Herbal Female Enhancement.

If you have been experiencing a low sex drive, you are likely looking for a solution. There are a number of things you can try such as massages, stress buster remedies, certain foods and various sexual health products.

One of the most effective and highly popular means of increasing sex drive is the use of female enhancement herbs.

Here are some popular and natural female enhancement herbs to increase your low libido.

10 Types of Natural Female Enhancement Herbs  

1. Gingko Biloba: Gingko Biloba This is a Chinese herb that works well to spark women’s sexual desire. It increases blood circulation throughout the body. When blood flow is increased to the brain, you feel more active and awake.

The enhanced flow of blood into the genitals increases a woman’s arousal. This effective herb also brings relief for breast tenderness and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

2. Dong Quai: This herb is known for its beneficial effects on a woman’s sex life. Dong quai promotes the healthy formation of natural progesterone, which increases blood flow to the female genital organs.

It also works to nourish vaginal tissues and increase vaginal secretions.

3. Cayenne: CayenneSpicing up your food with cayenne can immediately increase your sex drive. This is because cayenne increases the flow of blood in the body, including the genital areas.

It also increases vaginal lubrication, deepens orgasms and maintains the health of your sexual organs.

4.  Ginseng: Ginseng is one of the most popular female enhancement herbs Ginseng root has been used for ages to naturally increase sexual drive. It contains compounds that form nitric oxide and dilate the blood vessels.

This in turn increases the flow of blood into the female genital areas. In addition to increasing blood flow, it also promotes relaxation. Ginseng is an overall health tonic that restores energy, increases memory and promotes a healthy sex life. It is also known to cure infertility.

5. Hops Extract: Hops ExtractLow levels of estrogen can lead to dryness in the vagina and a drop in libido. Hops extract increases the production of estrogen in females. It also brings relief from hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

6. Horny Goat Weed: Another natural female enhancement herb, horny goat weed, is known to arouse sexual desire. The leaves of the horny goat weed contain a variety of flavonoids and alkaloids that help with female sexual dysfunction.

It also contains phytoestrogens that mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen and help to increase libido. The active ingredient of this herb is Icariin, which works by increasing the level of nitric oxide and directing blood flow towards the genital areas.

7. Anise: AAnisenise has anethole which works like the hormone estrogen. It drastically enhances the female sex drive. Most women use it to increase milk secretion when they are breastfeeding. It also helps to stimulate menstruation and eases child birth.

8. Maca:This is a natural Viagra that helps women to deal with the problems of low libido. Its active ingredients include phosphorous, zinc, iron and calcium. Other active components are fatty acids, vitamins and amino acids.

9. Niacinamide: Also known as vitamin B3, Niacinamide helps to boost your metabolism and provides a burst of energy. It increases the sexual flush and directs the flow of blood to the genitals, which intensifies orgasms.

10. Damiana:Damiana is widely used by many women to enhance their sex drive. It is known to be a stimulant, aphrodisiac and a healthy tonic. It works on the central nervous system and acts as an antidepressant.

natural female libido enhancer These natural female enhancement herbs are very effective, and many of them are widely available for purchase. They are sold as both a topical solution and an oral supplement.

HerSolution pills are packed with amazing ingredients that have been proven to be effective and safe. It is a natural female libido enhancer that can give you great results, and best of all it is sold in both gel and pill form. You can use either a combination of the two forms or just the one that works best for your sex drive use female enhancement herbs .